News Let’s get informed together We inform you about everything new and worth knowing about KPPK Ziviltechniker GmbH. klimaaktiv Gold completion declaration 08.01.2025 TOGETHER WE LOOK FORWARD 13.12.2024 GRUZONE5: klimaaktiv Gold for sustainable housing in Mödling 09.12.2024 Successful ground-breaking ceremony for => Green City Villas 04.12.2024 Feasibility studies: the basis for successful construction projects! 29.11.2024 Sustainable-Innovative-Together GenZ day 20.11.2024 Anatomielehrstuhl Med Uni Graz – GerambRose 2024 14.11.2024 ACTING TOGETHER IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS AND SUSTAINABLE MANNER 04.11.2024 Renovation, modification and extension of Leystrasse 34, 1020 vienna 22.10.2024 Kidnergarten opening Ferdinand-Freiligrath-Gasse 29 11.10.2024 Klimaaktiv Silber, Planning Declaration, new building 26.09.2024 3rd place in the Tauern Tunnel competition 29.08.2024 OFFICE PARK II WIEN-SCHWECHAT 22.08.2024 klimaaktiv Silber (planning) 12.08.2024 More than wood 08.08.2024 3x Hochsitz for Paris 25.07.2024 Olympic games 2016 18.07.2024 Catamaran – Handelskai 348 04.07.2024 Construction site news 27.06.2024 Topping-out ceremony “Mitten in Gablitz” 21.06.2024 Competition 2nd place 13.06.2024 Main square Ebreichsdorf 21.05.2024 Topping-out ceremony 13.05.2024 klimaaktiv Gold (planning) 08.05.2024 Climate Biennale Vienna 22.04.2024 Award for commitment to climate protection 04.04.2024 earthquake verification 21.03.2024 boots hall Hedy Lamarr 13.03.2024 Bank branch Ober-Grafendorf 26.02.2024 salzburg courthouse 22.02.2024 Looking forward to the opening - The Albertina Klosterneuburg 15.02.2024 Mold infestation indoors 05.02.2024 New dental practice in Oberpullendorf 31.01.2024 klimaaktiv Silver Planning Declaration 22.01.2024 View of the interior of a malting-plant 17.01.2024 BGF-Gütesiegel 08.01.2024 TOGETHER WE LOOK FORWARD 17.12.2023 Let's bring light into the darkness together! 14.12.2023 Polestar Office Vienna 09.11.2023 Katharina Grosse 21.11.2023 MIG 20.10.2023 Donauturm-Slide 11.10.2023 10 years of the WU campus 04.10.2023 Schoenstatt Center Kahlenberg 24.08.2023 Residential complex Klosterneuburg 14.08.2023 Provincial Control Centre of the Provincial Police Directorate of Upper Austria 06.08.2023 Beach Volleyball EM Vienna 04.08.2023 Börseplatz 1 20.07.2023 Logistics halls 13.07.2023 Tokyo => Paris 30.06.2023 Alma Mahler => Südbahnhotel 22.06.2023 New construction of the Nordwestbahnhof Bildungscampus 15.06.2023 Back Fit 11.05.2023 Moosbrunn Health Centre 21.04.2023 Photovoltaics 20.04.2023 Recognition 18.04.2023 Bundesspielplatz Wienerberg 26.03.2023 Topping-out ceremony Red Cross Mistelbach 14.03.2023 High-bay warehouse in Liechtenstein 27.02.2023 Excursion: suspension bridge A26 highway 06.03.2023 Department of Anatomy – Medical University Graz 13.02.2023 SoundCam 2.0 sound pressures 22.01.2023 Tunnel energy 12.01.2023 It begins in Linz 09.01.2023 together wie look forward 18.12.2022 Kittsee: Bread baked in a wood-fired oven 09.12.2022 let`s help together 01.12.2022 Capacity and escape route optimization 28.11.2022 Bank branch in Karlstetten 21.11.2022 New construction of the main hospital in the Liezen region 10.11.2022 Lecture hall departement of Anatomy in Graz 02.11.2022 Flying Fox 09.10.2022 Construction of a new production plant 03.10.2022 IAA TRANSPORTATION 2022 25.09.2022 Thermal simulation 12.09.2022 Construction of a new malthouse 09.09.2022 Total rent with alternative energy sources, financing options 30.08.2022 Schoenstatt Center Kahlenberg 23.08.2022 Energiewende Platz 1 05.08.2022 Imagine … 29.07.2022 Red Cross Mistelbach 17.07.2022 Enjoying art at its best 09.07.2022 Winzerhof Petz – The Förthof 03.07.2022 Pretzel statics 27.06.2022 raiffeisen corner 19.06.2022 KPPK MEETS ART 12.06.2022 Reopening Kulturzentrum Mattersburg 06.06.2022 Opening of kindergarten Münichsthal 27.05.2022 Monaco Racing Event 2022 28.05.2022 STIHL Timbersports® World Trophy 2022 26.05.2022 Show more